No-code and low-code platforms like Webflow, coupled with AI tools, are transforming the way we approach frontend development. Discover their benefits, limitations, and the opportunities they create for businesses and developers alike. Learn how these tools empower designers, streamline workflows, and complement traditional development in this comprehensive guide.
CSS Custom Properties can be tricky to deal with and aren’t always as intuitive as one might hope. However, when used right, they can significantly reduce boilerplate code and keep things efficient, making our work more productive.
Learn about Google's latest efforts to effectively increase interoperability across browser vendors: Google Baseline. We'll discuss what the initiative strives to achieve, how it works, and what to look out for.
Using position: sticky is a handy CSS positioning property that allows elements to stick to the top of a relative parent on scroll. It's a considerable step forward compared to the older methods of scrolling down the page, past a specific offset and dynamically "fixing" the element to the browser window using position: fixed.
Task estimation is an art that every front-end engineer and engineering manager should master. With a well-structured framework that covers F.A.T.E (Feedback, Admin, Technical, Engineering), you can give accurate timelines, optimise resource allocation, and, most importantly, deliver a happy client.
Learn the art of scaling your React application with Storybook and Chromatic integration. Unlock the power of a robust component library, clear documentation, and efficient visual regression testing for enhanced team productivity.
Learn how to set your next project up for success by effectively configuring Storybook and NextJS within a monorepo archictecture that will scale with your project.
Code reviews are an essential part of the software development process. In this article, we'll discuss 10 best practices for conducting effective code reviews, including starting early, having a clear process, and following up on feedback.
Learn how to use the return statement effectively in your code with these 5 tips. Proper use of the return statement is crucial for ensuring the correct functioning of your programs and can save you from bugs and errors.
Discover how the 5AM Club can benefit software engineers by providing uninterrupted work time, helping with task prioritization, improving mental and physical health, and staying up to date with industry developments.
Discover the numerous benefits of intermittent fasting for software engineers, including weight loss, improved cognitive function, and better cardiovascular health. Find out how this dietary pattern can help you stay focused and productive while promoting good health.
Learn how CommitLint can help improve the quality and clarity of your project's commit history by enforcing a consistent commit message style. Find out how to easily integrate CommitLint into your continuous integration pipeline and start reaping the benefits today.
Explore the different front-end file architectures available to you, including flat, hierarchical, modular, component-based, and feature-based. Consider the size, complexity, and needs of your team when choosing the best file architecture for your project. Find out which approach works best for your project to better organize and maintain your code.
Slow websites can have a significant impact on the environment due to the energy required to keep them running. Learn about the various ways in which slow websites contribute to environmental degradation and discover strategies for making the web a more sustainable place.
Want to inspire and motivate your individual contributors? Try setting clear goals and expectations, providing ongoing feedback and support, encouraging career development, recognising and rewarding contributions, and fostering a positive and inclusive work environment.
Visual Studio Code is one of the newest kids on the IDE “block” and it’s making a lot of noise. It’s taken a little while to gain traction, perhaps because it’s one of Microsoft’s few open source...
For the next few minutes, I’m going to give you a peek into the country I call home; its culture, the web industry, and some of our unique and interesting challenges when it comes to the...